In <67c5ced5-4b90-4dba-9574-***> Lenona <***> writes:
Also, it's worth noting, unfortunately, that when he was born, his father, =
in an infamous court case, tried to refuse to support him on the grounds th=
at it was the mother's choice to have the baby, not Frank's. (At first, he =
won - but the verdict was overturned, IIRC.)
The late Village Voice columnist and NYU journalism professor Ellen Willis =
mentioned that case twice in her 1985 essay "Looking for Mr. Good Dad." You=
can read it on pages 84-89 in her book No More Nice Girls - and I think it=
's in another anthology of hers as well. While she sympathized primarily wi=
th mothers in such cases, she wrote "at the same time, yes, it's unfair to =
the Serpicos that all the men whose sexual activity hasn't happened to resu=
lt in unwanted fatherhood can say, 'Tough luck, buddy, but it's not my prob=
lem.' "
reference's like this are why we lurve you, Lenona!
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]