Black man kills white couple next door over basketball hoop
(too old to reply)
2024-05-15 20:43:07 UTC
This story from down in the wealthy Palm Beach area* is shocking in several regards.

This double-murder mayhem went down on Kentucky Derby Day, Saturday, May 4th. And thank Zeus there's security-cam video to confirm that the hot-tempered perp has been lying about the confrontation ever since, peddling a false claim of self-defense.

* Never to be confused with the adjacent West Palm Beach area down there, which is mostly middle-class.
2024-05-16 04:28:06 UTC
Racist much Mr. BS?
2024-05-16 05:39:03 UTC
Not in the least am I racially motivated, in direct answer to your utterly ugly and intensely insinuating question. Your own textual nastiness suggests YOU'RE racially motivated, however.

Nor do I (like Stalinists and yourself) attempt to assassinate anyone's character--and anonymously to boot, from G-d-knows-where (perhaps from a foreign land, or just maybe right next door to my home). Meanwhile, your terrorism-by-text is actionable, as any competent criminal attorney would advise you.

I sign every internet posting out of journalistic principle...while the online likes of you mimic all those masked Antifa thugs, attempting to intimidate or silence others' postings, all the while you hide behind phony screen-names.

Quit besmirching the civility of this earnest website with your unbridled hatefulness; the fellow whose gracious and hard work maintains it deserves better than to have you polluting his laborious project with such juvenile bile. I do not take part in childish "flame" wars online, nor in person.

Kenny McCormack
2024-05-16 06:34:08 UTC
Post by unsubscribe
Racist much Mr. BS?
Mr. BS is now a full-on Trumpist asshole. I don't think even he would deny
that any more.

It describes comp.lang.c to a T!
2024-05-16 11:39:22 UTC
You posts aren't prone to misquotation, Kenny, but you did do that above:

I declared myself a so-called never-Trumper on Thursday, January 7, 2021 [though not anywhere online], and have to date never waivered from that stance, publicly or privately.

(Merely because I think various New York State authorities are unconstitutionally exploiting state law to politically hamstring the former President doesn't mean that I support his ill-advised, quixotic effort to this year become a 21st Century Grover Cleveland.)

How that translates to being a full-fledged second-term Trump supporter is simply incomprehensible, Kenny. (I gather you detest many or maybe even all of my postings over the years, Kenny...but please understand I don't harbor ill will toward you or ANY critic of mine; I believe in and practice civil discourse, and try my best to avoid misquoting or misinterpreting folks, which you've done here regarding my post-January 6th viewpoint of Trump.)

Not that it matters to anyone anywhere other than little ol' inconsequential me, BUT:

Everyone who heard my wordy work during my (nowadays long-dead) commercial newstalk radio career 1989-2013 knows I've NEVER been a very political guy; that is, I ALWAYS prefer publicly discussing, say, why Jackie Wilson was a superior vocalist compared to Frankie Valli over arguing why Goldwater was a better candidate than Johnson. Or why Robert Ryan was a far better actor than Henry Fonda, instead of gun control legislation is a great/bad/whatever idea. Or why algebra is hands-down more fun than calculus, rather than which pol should win some U.S. Senate seat in November.

But, as everyone knows, when you conduct open-line call-in radio--which was the format of the bulk of my dozen or so major-radio-market programs around The Lower 48--you serve your audience best by discussing whatever the CALLERS want to raise, not the host's pet subjects. And way too often, that's just more redundant political posturing, and way too seldom explication of the wondrous principles underlying advanced mathematics. Alas.

Anyway, good luck and good health to you, Kenny; I hope you wish me the same.

2024-05-17 04:18:57 UTC
More overwritten and over-punctuated swill from this poor guy trying to relive the "glory days" of his radio career. He even writes like he's still reading copy. Notice he turns almost every one of his posts into something about himself? You're most likely even more boring in person. Sad.
David Carson
2024-05-17 12:41:07 UTC
Post by unsubscribe
Notice he turns almost every one of his posts into something about himself?
*You* made this one about him.
