Trump assassination attempt
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2024-07-14 00:20:22 UTC
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in

Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.

2024-07-14 01:04:40 UTC
9:02 pm EDT

Word on dead gunman's identity hasn't been leaked to ABC, CBS or NBC,
all of which of course have been wall-to-wall (and commercial-free)
since news broke; authorities confirm eight sniper rounds fired from a
roof outside security perimeter.

MEANWHILE: Whatever your ideology--far left, far right or any of the
many stances betwixt--it seems doubtful anyone would dispute this: Ever
since the Biden/Trump face-off in Atlanta, the national news has been
rolling in at seeming light-speed.

David Carson
2024-07-14 01:13:30 UTC
On Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:20:22 +0000, bryan_styble
Post by bryan_styble
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in
Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.
Trump was shot on what looked like the top of his right ear. He walked off
the stage surrounded by guards but on his own two feet, with blood on his
ear and right cheek, and he gestured to the crowd. His wounds _appear_
from the news footage to be minor.

One man in attendance was killed instantly. A woman was wounded.

David Carson
Dead or Alive Data Base
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-14 01:43:27 UTC
Post by David Carson
Trump was shot on what looked like the top of his right ear.
Some sources are claiming that he was hit by shattered teleprompter
glass, not by a bullet directly. At least one source claims that the
Secret Service has confirmed this. I'm not offering this as a
correction to your statement, exactly, as I don't give the reports
100% credibility, but I do give them enough credence to be worth
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
2024-07-14 02:08:30 UTC
10:07 pm EDT on Saturday, July 13, 2024:

Several of the network news operations keep saying tonight's events
north of Pittsburgh "are being investigated as a possible assassination

Now as a career-long newsman, I'm all for curcumspection--ESPECIALLY on
a multi-faceted, unfolding news story of this magnitude. But by this
point at 10:07 pm Eastern, is it really still any jumping of the, uh,
gun to drop employment of the word "possible"?

2024-07-14 02:47:02 UTC
[10:44 pm EDT Saturday, July 13, 2024]

Uh, I suppose my sentence above works better with the correct spelling
of "circumspection".


NBC is reporting roof-borne sniper was 148 yards to left and front of
Trump's lectern.

When NBC aired severely-blurred footage of dead--excuse me,
"NEUTRALIZED"--sniper's corpse on the roof. Lester Holt solemnly warned
me and all America that it was disturbing; what's so disturbing about a
blurred blob of video?

WAY more disturbing is watching Holt's always-earnest yet lame
anchoring; Holt's long-honed style is slick for sure, but more
critically, thinly-veiled biases taint his work, though I don't mean to
imply the above is evidence of that. Holt's typically marginal work is
bad enough five days a week on The NBC Nightly News, but extended live
coverage of a mega-story like this is when these talking-head anchors
prove their professional worth, or in nice-guy Holt's sad case, their
critical shortcomings.

2024-07-14 02:59:58 UTC
10:58 pm EDT on Saturday, July 13, 2024

Been searching up and down the cable dial for some network employing a
certain proper word; i.e., given Trump was reportedly "shot" rather than
merely hit (by a teleprompter screen glass shard or some other flying
debris), the former President wasn't merely "injured" this evening in
rural Pennsylvania north of Pittsburgh, but rather WOUNDED.

Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-14 04:57:02 UTC
Post by bryan_styble
[10:44 pm EDT Saturday, July 13, 2024]
Uh, I suppose my sentence above works better with the correct spelling
of "circumspection".
NBC is reporting roof-borne sniper was 148 yards to left and front of
Trump's lectern.
Post by bryan_styble
. . .
David Carson
2024-07-14 05:28:18 UTC
On Sun, 14 Jul 2024 02:08:30 +0000, bryan_styble
Post by bryan_styble
Several of the network news operations keep saying tonight's events
north of Pittsburgh "are being investigated as a possible assassination
Now as a career-long newsman, I'm all for curcumspection--ESPECIALLY on
a multi-faceted, unfolding news story of this magnitude. But by this
point at 10:07 pm Eastern, is it really still any jumping of the, uh,
gun to drop employment of the word "possible"?
CNN's first take was "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls
at rally."

Washington Post: "Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally"

As of this moment, CNN has upgraded the incident from a fall to a
shooting: "Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally." The story
notes that it is "being investigated as an assassination attempt."

Just like Biden's dementia, though, this is too big for the leftist media
to control the narrative. People know what they saw and heard (an
assassination attempt) and aren't going to be fooled by the MSM's

David Carson
Dead or Alive Data Base
2024-07-14 15:29:05 UTC
Post by David Carson
Just like Biden's dementia, though, this is too big for the leftist media
to control the narrative. People know what they saw and heard (an
assassination attempt) and aren't going to be fooled by the MSM's
False flag. Crisis actors.
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-14 16:07:09 UTC
Post by David Carson
CNN's first take was "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls
at rally."
Washington Post: "Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally"
As of this moment, CNN has upgraded the incident from a fall to a
shooting: "Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally." The story
notes that it is "being investigated as an assassination attempt."
Just like Biden's dementia, though, this is too big for the leftist media
to control the narrative. People know what they saw and heard (an
assassination attempt) and aren't going to be fooled by the MSM's
I'm calling bullshit. First impressions in a developing story get things
wrong or leave out critical details. That's not "controlling the
narrative", it's the nature of publishing news.

Trump hadn't fallen. He ducked. Washington Post was simply reluctant to
immediately declare them gunshots in case it turned out to be something

I heard radio interviews of reporters who were covering the event. They
were "ear" witnesses to the gunfire but got it wrong where the shots had
come from, plus "left" and "right" confusion by not consistently
speaking of it from Trump's perspective and how he was facing.

No, no one was controlling anything. They were confused. And it came out
pretty quickly that someone had been killed, so yes, this was an
assasination attempt.
2024-07-14 20:13:35 UTC
4:13 pm EDT Sunday, July 14, 2024 "The Day After" *

Sir Kerman:

Your e-retort just above [time-stamped at 12:07 pm earlier today] is not
merely correct in its EVERY darned assertion AND nuance, but you just
ALSO pretty much succinctly summarized last night's (and
wee-hours-this-morning's) last 22 hours of viewer/listener experience
for every one of us news guys and/or yakking AM radio clowns (as it
happens, I'm both].

Indeed, your posting Is the sort of Jim-dandy, heck's-a-poppin',
supercalifragilisticETC.ETC. kinda comprehensive smack-down** posting
for which this newsgroup always thirsts (but is seldom quenched by).

Ergo: Keep 'em comin', please!

* No, I refer NOT that top-notch 1983 ABC nukes film--though Jason
Robards Jr. AND Steve Guttenberg WERE each terrific throughout that
much-ridiculed production--but rather where we are now, after a long
overnight during which each consumed all the disturbing and downright
wrenching news--AND coverage!--emanating from western Pennsylvania.
** Sorry, but all that schtick is how we Missouri hicks speak out there
in the white-guy southwest suburbs of St. Louis. (Or at least THIS one
talks that way, even down here in The Sunshine State.)
David Carson
2024-07-14 21:49:50 UTC
On Sun, 14 Jul 2024 16:07:09 -0000 (UTC), "Adam H. Kerman"
Post by Adam H. Kerman
I'm calling bullshit. First impressions in a developing story get things
wrong or leave out critical details. That's not "controlling the
narrative", it's the nature of publishing news.
They get them wrong more or leave them out more when they don't correspond
with the warped view of reality that floats around in their walnut-brain
heads, one of those notions being that the only people who are prone to
"political violence" are on the right and are motivated in each instance
by dangerious rightwing rhetoric. Witness the morons here and elsewhere
who are saying this was staged or a "false flag" operation.

I saw one comment on a video where someone said it couldn't be called an
assassination attempt until it was ruled out that there weren't two people
shooting at each other, and Trump just happened to be in the line of fire.

I believe that the "false flag" and "Trump happened to be in the way"
theories sound less farfetched to the typical CNN and Washington Post
writer than they do to me.
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Trump hadn't fallen. He ducked. Washington Post was simply reluctant to
immediately declare them gunshots in case it turned out to be something
You see Trump flinching and drawing his hand to his right ear less than a
second after the first shot is fired. You can hear a man shouting "Shooter
is down!" clearly as all get-out less than a minute after the gunshots are
heard. You see the blood on Trump's ear and face. Within minutes, there
were writnesses on the scene, being interviewed, talking about the other
victims who were shot before their eyes. It wasn't going to turn out to be
something else.

CNN and the Washington Post were behind the curve in calling them gunshots
and an assassination attempt because they _wanted_ it to be something
else, not because they were being careful to jump to conclusions. If they
were trying not to jump to any conclusions, they wouldn't have declared
that Trump fell.

David Carson
Dead or Alive Data Base
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-14 22:59:18 UTC
Note: By removing context, you've weakened your argument, not
strengthened it. My followup was to your accusation against "the leftist
media". In this followup, you introduce unrelated issues that I hadn't
commented on.
Post by David Carson
Post by Adam H. Kerman
I'm calling bullshit. First impressions in a developing story get things
wrong or leave out critical details. That's not "controlling the
narrative", it's the nature of publishing news.
They get them wrong more or leave them out more when they don't correspond
with the warped view of reality that floats around in their walnut-brain
heads, one of those notions being that the only people who are prone to
"political violence" are on the right and are motivated in each instance
by dangerious rightwing rhetoric. Witness the morons here and elsewhere
who are saying this was staged or a "false flag" operation.
Now you've moved the goalposts from discussing "the leftist media" to
"the morons" commenting.
Post by David Carson
I saw one comment on a video where someone said it couldn't be called an
assassination attempt until it was ruled out that there weren't two people
shooting at each other, and Trump just happened to be in the line of fire.
That's still not in support of your condemnation of "the leftist media".
Post by David Carson
I believe that the "false flag" and "Trump happened to be in the way"
theories sound less farfetched to the typical CNN and Washington Post
writer than they do to me.
Unless and until it's reported as newsworthy speculation, who cares what
they haven't yet said.
Post by David Carson
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Trump hadn't fallen. He ducked. Washington Post was simply reluctant to
immediately declare them gunshots in case it turned out to be something
You see Trump flinching and drawing his hand to his right ear less than a
second after the first shot is fired. You can hear a man shouting "Shooter
is down!" clearly as all get-out less than a minute after the gunshots are
heard. You see the blood on Trump's ear and face. Within minutes, there
were writnesses on the scene, being interviewed, talking about the other
victims who were shot before their eyes. It wasn't going to turn out to be
something else.
That doesn't mean it was available to the very first writer reporting
the news.
Post by David Carson
CNN and the Washington Post were behind the curve in calling them gunshots
and an assassination attempt because they _wanted_ it to be something
else, not because they were being careful to jump to conclusions. If they
were trying not to jump to any conclusions, they wouldn't have declared
that Trump fell.
Unless they stuck with repeating it long after other facts became clear,
you don't have a case.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-15 00:45:01 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
I'm calling bullshit. First impressions in a developing story get
things wrong or leave out critical details. That's not "controlling
the narrative", it's the nature of publishing news.
I had a response to this in the barrel, but David Carson posted a
reply that was equally devastating and many, many times more polite.
How *does* the guy do it?
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-15 01:09:06 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Adam H. Kerman
I'm calling bullshit. First impressions in a developing story get
things wrong or leave out critical details. That's not "controlling
the narrative", it's the nature of publishing news.
I had a response to this in the barrel, but David Carson posted a
reply that was equally devastating and many, many times more polite.
How *does* the guy do it?
My congratulations to you on the fine victory you have declared.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-17 13:16:15 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by J.D. Baldwin
I had a response to this in the barrel, but David Carson posted a
reply that was equally devastating and many, many times more
polite. How *does* the guy do it?
My congratulations to you on the fine victory you have declared.
I'd like to thank the Academy, my anger management coach and Jordan
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-14 03:34:43 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Some sources are claiming that he was hit by shattered teleprompter
glass, not by a bullet directly. At least one source claims that the
Secret Service has confirmed this. I'm not offering this as a
correction to your statement, exactly, as I don't give the reports
100% credibility, but I do give them enough credence to be worth
I'd like to know where the shooter was and how the other person was
2024-07-14 03:45:18 UTC
Covered that data above for y'all, Adam, in my 10:44 pm EDT e-dispatch.

2024-07-14 06:16:08 UTC
[1:51 am EDT on Sunday, July 14, 2024]

Fox News Network is reporting authorities have reduced to approximately
130 yards the estimated distance from the sniper's rooftop perch
slightly downward to the Trump lectern. The way the stage was
situated, the gunman was firing more or less directly to the south.

Fox is also showing footage of the dead would-be assassin without
blurring; he was a 20-year-old white guy whose identity hasn't surfaced
in the media as yet. I only suspect this, but the way these stories
usually go, by dawn some on-scene reporter will have wheedled his name
out of some friendly source among those manning the investigation.

Former Florida Attorney General-ette Pam Biondi--a Trump partisan, for
sure, not to mention a striking blonde--is making news by demanding The
Secret Service lead this investigation to ensure everything remains
above-board. She suspects political considerations in the higher FBI
ranks--you could translate her words as "so-called 'Deep State'
never-Trumper saboteurs"--will compromise their info-digging over the
ensuing days and weeks.

By the way, pals know me as someone who is, for various reasons, quite
disdainful of cell phones in general and so-called "smart" ones in
particular. BUT: sure am glad we here in 21st Century no longer must
depend just on a single, latter-day Zapruder.

Oh, and later this week in Milwaukee at the GOP National Convention
(assuming Trump appears as it's reported he so intends), you can expect
the media coverage to compare this weekend's deadly mayhem north of
Pittsburgh to THIS historical moment:

On Monday, October 14, 1912*, ANOTHER former President campaigning to
reclaim The White House--that would be Theodore Roosevelt--took a slug
from the pistol of a middle-aged (and troubled) local barkeep named John
Schrank...yet Roosevelt's address remarks in the form of a script folded
into a vest pocket, slowed the bullet and thus lessened its penetration,
missing vital organs.

The bleeding onetime Rough Rider heroically--if perhaps quite
imprudently--refused medical attention until he had taken the stage and
finished delivering his stump speech, roaring to the assemblage
something to the effect of, "It takes more than lead to stop a Bull
Moose!" (As anyone who paid attention in history class is well aware,
he would lose just weeks later to Thomas Wilson, better known by his
middle name Woodrow.)

Meanwhile, incumbent President William Taft came in THIRD in November
1912, behind both the Democrat victor and his break-away Progressive
Party challenger Roosevelt.

Now, Taft was so discredited by his former mentor Roosevelt's political
abandonment that he probably wouldn't have won ANYWAY...but it sure
didn't help that his running mate James Schoolcraft Sherman dropped dead
of a coronary in the District of Columbia street-corner only six days
prior to Election Day! The bookish Sherman, a Vice Presidential
predecessor of cackling Kamala Harris, was the seventh (and most recent)
Veep to die in office --whereas fully EIGHT Presidents haven't survived
THEIR office: four felled by illness and four more famously shot to
death (if only EVENTUALLY in the cases of James Garfield [six or so
weeks hence] and William McKinley [eight days, elevating Roosevelt]),
some basic facts of presidential history EVERYONE who passed even 5th
Grade know well, right?).

I have actually stood roughly six feet from that Roosevelt-targeted
slug--as can any patriotic tourist--when I visited his
surprisingly-neglected gravesite near his newly-restored Sagamore Hill
estate at Oyster Bay, a good ways east of NYC on the north shore of Long
Island. (That's because when Eleanor Roosevelt's VPOTUS-then-POTUS
uncle was buried in 1919, it remained in his body, surgeons having been
unable to ever extract it.)

Oh, and THAT less-publicized attempted assassination of a former POTUS
in mid-October 1912 happened on a street right in front of a now-razed
downtown hotel, not far from the future, modernesque-style edifice in
which the Grand Old Party delegates convene tomorrow on Monday, July
15th. Yep, Schrank shot Roosevelt right there in Milwaukee!

* Which, as it happened, was just three days before the Thursday,
October 17th birth of Pope John Paul I--a guy whom I like to call "the
William Henry Harrison of the modern-day papacy", as both he and our 9th
President died of natural causes** after only a month in office.
** Yeah, yeah--of COURSE I've read of the various Vatican conspiracy
theorizing which insists John Paul I was actually assassinated via
poison or some such other deadly means. But I don't buy it.
2024-07-14 07:29:13 UTC
[3:27 am EDT on Sunday, July 14, 2024]

Now granted, I ain't correct very often even on basic factual questions,
much less caution-thrown-to-the-wind predictions. But just above, I
simply NAILED it:

At 3:27 am, It is still hours before dawn throughout the Eastern Time
Zone--yet sure enough, we already have the name of the apparently
lone-wolf perp whom Secret Service (or FBI?) counter-snipers fatally
felled before firing a ninth round:

William Matthew Crooks [photo not yet available...but I'm predicting
the late 20-year-old was festooned with tattoos, and maybe even one or
two of the TRUMP SUCKS! ilk].

2024-07-14 07:48:06 UTC
[3:46 am EDT on Sunday, July 14, 2024]

Well, it may be difficult to DETERMINE whether the late killer Crooks
had tattoos--at least any recently-inked ones of the facial
variety--because "good-guy" guns simply "blew his head off" !

J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-15 01:03:06 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Some sources are claiming that he was hit by shattered teleprompter
glass, not by a bullet directly. At least one source claims that
the Secret Service has confirmed this.
And now the story has disappeared down the memory hole and no one at
all is claiming this, so I conclude that it was false. And
furthermore, based on long-established media practice, I conclude that
it was a fabrication[1] for the purpose of making the injury sound
less serious.

[1] By which I mean one of: a) an outright and intentional made-up
story, not the more likely possibility but not outlandish enough
to be dismissed; or b) posted based on such thin information
("someone said") that it was reported with complete disregard for
its relationship to the truth. Both are morally equivalent.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
danny burstein
2024-07-15 01:22:41 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Some sources are claiming that he was hit by shattered teleprompter
glass, not by a bullet directly. At least one source claims that
the Secret Service has confirmed this.
And now the story has disappeared down the memory hole and no one at
all is claiming this, so I conclude that it was false. And
furthermore, based on long-established media practice, I conclude that
it was a fabrication[1] for the purpose of making the injury sound
less serious.
First, let's point out that this is a distinction
without a difference. The shooter fired numerous
bullets at the candidate, and whether the injuries
were from a fortuitously grazing chunk of metal or
a piece of flying glass, etc., the bigger story
remains the same. TFG was a target of an assassination

Second, from my own personal experience having seen
some dozens of gun shot wounds, including grazes
of extremries and... of yes, someone's ass... gotta
tell you that Wierd Things like This Can Happen [tm]
and it would take close examination to determine
one way or another. And the photos taken from
20 feet, etc., away, don't give enough detail [a].

Third, of course, is that if this was a real question
that mattered, the former President could release
his medical records.

But again, it doesn't make a difference.

[a] presumably someone, a dozen someones, might
have higher resolution images in their cameras/phones
and these might make it to the public eye sometime.

And if we're really lucky, David Burnett was there...

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-15 13:27:50 UTC
Post by danny burstein
Post by J.D. Baldwin
And now the story has disappeared down the memory hole and no one
at all is claiming this, so I conclude that it was false. And
furthermore, based on long-established media practice, I conclude
that it was a fabrication[1] for the purpose of making the injury
sound less serious.
First, let's point out that this is a distinction
without a difference.
Physically, sure. Psychologically and therefore politically, it's a
significant difference. The thought "If his head had just been an
inch to his right ..." is scary and, for lack of a better word,
powerful. The thought "Well, the bullet was two feet away and broke
something that kind of injured him ..." -- much less so. We've all
been cut by glass, that's not very exciting.
Post by danny burstein
The shooter fired numerous
bullets at the candidate, and whether the injuries
were from a fortuitously grazing chunk of metal or
a piece of flying glass, etc., the bigger story
remains the same. TFG was a target of an assassination
Sure, that's *a* story, but lots of presidents get shot at without ill
effect and no one much cares. When someone comes *close*, then people
a) take notice and b) remember. People talked about Squeaky Fromme's
shot at Gerald Ford for months. People forgot about the guy who shot
at the White House in 2011 after two news cycles.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
2024-07-15 16:53:19 UTC
Sorry Danny, but I am not familiar with that "TFG" acronym you employed;
what's it mean?

(And thanks in advance, natch.)

2024-07-15 17:32:59 UTC
TFG is an acronym for "The Former Guy". I guess it's a kinder, gentler
euphemism than "He Who Shall Not Be Named".
danny burstein
2024-07-15 19:23:19 UTC
Post by bryan_styble
Sorry Danny, but I am not familiar with that "TFG" acronym you employed;
what's it mean?
"The Former Guy", although some people use a different "F" word.
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
Louis Epstein
2024-07-17 04:58:39 UTC
Post by danny burstein
Post by bryan_styble
Sorry Danny, but I am not familiar with that "TFG" acronym you employed;
what's it mean?
"The Former Guy", although some people use a different "F" word.
A quote from Biden on a separate occasion from when he called his
predecessor "the defeated former president",which has given rise
to references to "TDFP",with the "D" occasionally given as a
different uncomplimentary adjective.

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
2024-07-17 05:07:38 UTC
Appreciate several of y'all taking the trouble to clarify that "TFG"
ambiguity, and also even explicating its derivation!

2024-07-20 07:18:17 UTC
Sorry for neglecting to include the referenced link. (And also
regretting I didn't accurately type "Still" instead of that bone-headed

2024-07-20 21:26:53 UTC
If this analysis is correct, Biden will exit the race no sooner than
Thursday, after the Israeli Prime Minister visits him at The White House
on Wednesday.

I gotta say, POTUS 46 sure has a lotta resolve for an elderly* guy still
in sickbay up in Delaware this weekend; I woulda thrown in my cards a
LONG while ago, but I guess he absolutely, positively*** just loves
playing that metaphorical card game.

* During the first of the two** times the late Steve Allen
telephonically guested on my Detroit radio broadcast, at a point in the
1997 interview when I referred to the sainted Steverino as an "elderly"
television star, he interrupted and pointedly corrected me:
[paraphrasing] "No need to be so euphemistic, Bryan--I'm just OLD!"
** Allen was scheduled for a third Radioactive interview on "Radioactive
Albuquerque with Bryan Styble" set for mid-November 2000 when, alas, he
unexpectedly died just prior to Halloween 2000. But his vivacious and
extraordinarily literate widow Jayne Meadows pinch-hit for him ANYWAY.
And that was but the first of an upwards of a dozen subsequent "Jayne
Meadows's Hollywood" segments on that broadcast (and subsequent programs
I hosted) through 2008 with "Radioactive Seattle with Bryan Styble".
Thanks Jayne, nobody would have forgiven you for not doing that first
one, but you did ANYWAY, and in the process over the next decade, I got
to know you far, far better than any star I've ever talked to (just
setting up time parameters, etc. for our next segment every few months,
I never hung my phone up before at least 45 minutes and once, only after
a full three-plus hours). Okay, okay, the widow was LONELY, but I was
more than thrilled to help somewhat counter that long-distance. The
eventually-invalid woman ended up clocking probably six or seven times
the off-air phone-time with the equally-talkative-me than all those
on-air phoner interviews combined! Believe it or not, as Robert Riply
always put it. (And hard as all that is for even ME to joyously
believe, all that is true...which is why I so PERSONALLY mourned HER
death at age 95 on Sunday, April 26, 2015 in the spacious, ranch-style
home in the Encino Hills she for many decades shared with Allen and
their blended-family.)
*** Sorry to steal from the FedEx ad-copy writers there, but just last
eve in a sizable supermarket checkout line, I had a long chat with a
still-in-uniform Federal Express lady about the late Fred Smith's
remarkable company. I explained to her, among other FedEx arcana, why
the terrific Tom Hanks film "Cast Away" was quite subtly but
deliberately (for narrative reasons evident only post-rescue) NOT
instead titled "Castaway". (She told me none of her co-workers ever
mentioned noticing that in all the times she talked about the top-notch
movie.) And of course, WaPo's retired Miss Manners would have
(politely!) scolded me had I failed to ALSO thank this checkout-line
woman's collective colleagues for upholding of their double-adverb
policy one memorable day in Detroit back in the '90s--when it worked to
my ENORMOUS benefit in landing a primo commercial newstalk radio gig on
the other side of the country. That's why Federal Express is still on
my mind now 19 hours later; I shall endeavor to be more original in
future postings.
2024-07-21 03:11:19 UTC
Newly-reported data AND footage--this time from NBC News--about the late
thwarted assassin Crooks. Seems he was one of those young drone-flying
techie kids, including just last weekend or days prior.

This NBC report wonderfully includes brand-new footage from the shooting
scene--but from BEHIND Trump and his USSS walking cocoon circa 6:12 EDT
Sat 7/13/2024, where you can clearly watch that short-statured,
overweight female SS agent waddling along behind, struggling to keep up
with the tightly-bonded circle of Feds.

A missed opportunity: soon-to-be-ousted United States Secret Service
chiefette Kimberly Cheatle shoulda instead hired illegal
narcotics-imbued St. George of Floyd for the Trump detail, but oh
[D'oh!], I guess she COULDN'T, could she? (By which I mean, the USSS
imposes super-stringent illegal-drug testing for all agents; clearly,
that squat agentette tested 100% negative, bless her diet-deferring

MSNBC in-depth:

More NBC News background:
NBC Nightly News report with waddling lady SS agent:

2024-07-21 13:22:07 UTC
While you're processing the latest developments in the several
investigations--USSS internal, FBI, House Congressional and perhaps
others as well--mentioned or alluded to in the link below, here's one
particular question I've yet to hear asked during the eight days since
Saturday, July 13, 2024 in western rural Pennsylvania.

Sure hope one of y'all herein might have read coverage somewhere that
I've missed and which addresses it. (But again, I haven't heard it even
ASKED much less answered--either reliably OR stone-wallingly--perhaps
because its correct answer won't matter a whit at this point (a
situation attorney-type folk term "moot".)

Does anyone know whether that particular ear-grazing bullet--one of
either eight or nine total [various coverage has reported both totals]
that the late thwarted assassin Crooks fired off before he himself was
fired-off dead--was ALSO one of those slugs which hit and wounded either
of the two surviving victims or, alternatively, helped kill the dead

Too bad that third and mortal victim at 6:11 pm ET on that searing
Saturday wasn't wearing--as a colorful campaign-rally prop--his
fireman's helmet which Trump so famously kissed onstage in Milwaukee,
eh? Not even sure the late husband and father sustained a head wound,
but I imagine that helmet would have not made things WORSE for him.

Again, it hardly matters at this point, but it still is an interesting
question to me.

Geeze, better than six decades later, it STILL hasn't been indisputably
established that The Magic Bullet was the second of Oswald's three
shots! (Not many of the huge-bookshelf's worth of JFK investigation
tomes dispute TMB was shot #2of3, but a couple do indeed suggest the
conventional wisdom on this point is wrong and that TMB was actually
shot #1of3.)

NOBODY, meanwhile, disputes that EITHER shot #1 OR shot #2 back in 1963
was a miss which hit the street curb on its southern side. (Well, I
suppose those few cranks who still contend that Oswald was just going
about his innocent book-carton-fetching duties at the Book Depository
that day and was 100% framed might not be of either mindset, but we can
agree those folks are beyond persuasion, right?)

Again: I thank in advance anyone who knows of reporting that suggests
Trump's grazing slug hit any of the other three less-lucky men that day.

* As you probably know, late Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector--in his
1964 role as counsel to The Warren Commission--was the man who came up
with the so-called Magic Bullet Theory. And to this day, there are at
least a couple JFK assassination books which theorize that The Magic
Bullet was NOT Oswald's SECOND shot (after he missed with his first),
but rather actually his FIRST and that his second shot--fired whilst
Jack & Jackie and John & Nellie Connelly were behind that big Stemmons
Freeway sign--a bunch of frames before the skull-shattering Zapruder
frame #313).
And y'all historical tourists, now hear THIS: did you know that
you can get your nose within about 7 inches or so of The Magic Bullet?
I kid you not, to steal from the late Jack Paar. And it's NOT a
replica, mind you, but the very slug which ballistic tests matched to
Oswald's mail-order Italian rifle.
It is preserved and available for public scrutiny under
inch-or-more thick glass (or plexiglass) at The National Archives right
there on the north side of The Mall in the District of Columbia. True,
it's usually kept a yard or more beneath that protective
glass/plexiglass. But you can ask to have the platform raised with this
hydraulic system that raises the platform that TMB is fastened to within
about five inches of your side of the glass. (5 inches + 2 inches-or-so
of transparent pane = 7-or-so inches that your nose can get within The
Magic Bullet. As EVERYONE knows, that particular "pristine" slug has
been hands-down the most widely-questioned piece of evidence in the
hundreds of Dallas November '63 books out there.
And yeah, to get within that 7-inch range, you pretty much gotta
put your nose on the pane. (But be sure to ALSO do what I did in
1988--gently wipe the glass/plexiglass with a clean tissue once you've
adequately stared at it, keeping it clean.) I spent a good four minutes
scrutinizing it, and none of the Archives personnel rushed me. Why?
Because of the three dozen or so folks visiting and crowding the fairly
small chamber that day, EVERYONE but me were only lined up to see the
adjacent Constitution and Declaration of Independence! I'm sure I
probably would have alloted 39 seconds at most had ANYONE been waiting
behind me.
So my principal point here is to NOT bypass this remarkable aspect
of the National Archives. I asked one of the uniformed guys if this was
typical--sizable lines for the two documents, but zero others besides me
wanting to see TMB, and he replied, "Yeah, pretty much everyone just
wants to see the parchments." So many families of tourists never bother
to check out this third sector of the large display on the left.
WHY? Because they're so dazzled by the original copies of The
Constitution (under the center pane) and The Declaration of Independence
(under the right-most pane), each filled with ALL those strange 18th
Century words (not to mention each hallowed document's positively
goofball capitalization conventions of The Age of Enlightment Age. So
they look at either doc--must get in the other line to inspect both--for
a minute or so at most and then make way for those behind them in line.
Then they exit The Archives and move on to The Washington Monument or
The Capitol or The Jefferson Memorial--or more likely, just reflexively
make a beeline to that giant chevron of a Wall which constitutes The
Vietnam War Memorial...all without ever realizing The Magic Bullet was
ALSO there to the left, right there under their noses--and for my OWN
hideous honker, LITERALLY so.
2024-07-23 05:48:11 UTC
Okay, Kids, here is the Congressional Committee grilling (on Mon
7/23/2024) of Secret Service chiefette Kimberly Cheatle.

This is complete and unedited (I THINK) and from PBS, so zero (again, I
THINK) talking pundit heads to bias viewers one way or the other.

PBS, from Capitol Hill:

2024-07-23 10:30:19 UTC
Here's a pretty decent summary of the Committee fireworks in the USSS
Chieftess* Kimberly Cheatle.

I just got finished watching every frame--nothing as revelatory as
Zapruder frame #313, mind you, but it WAS one of those rare Committee
hearings where the fire came from both parties nearly equally.

My own always-inconsequential take: that GOP lady shouldn't act so
darned unladylike with her unwarranted potty mouth, and the Dems should
save their verbal commercials for other bloodshed issues (urban gunplay,
school shootings, et al.) to other, appropriate Congressional

I don't see how Cheatle remains in her post through even this Wednesday
much less through the end of the week. But of course I only know what I
can see from here in the bleachers of this donnybrook.

* AND, perhaps not at all incidentally, reportedly close personal pal of
First Lady Jill Biden. ("BFF" one published report termed their
relationship, whatever that silly text-speak acronym stands for. Pretty
sure it isn't Bad Federal Female.)
Axios textually-condensed reporting of hearing:
2024-07-23 18:39:27 UTC
Gee whiz, as predicted above, I figured embattled Secret Service
Chiefette Cheatle would take at least until Wednesday to toss the
resignation-letter word salad she hopes will whitewash her leadership
contribution to the Service's collective culpability for the national
horror of Saturday, July 13, 2024.

But here it's only Tuesday, and BOOM, she's OUT--perhaps to reclaim her
previous gig as Security Top Banana for Frito-Lay?

(If so, I heartily recommend that the Frito Bandito head back over our
southern border to Mexico POSTHASTE; from the TV pictures we've all
seen, it should be as easy for the animated desperado to sneak over into
Mexico as it is to do it in the opposite direction.)

danny burstein
2024-07-23 18:49:25 UTC
In <***@www.novabbs.com> bryan_styble <***@hotmail.com> writes:

[lots snipped]
Post by bryan_styble
Gee whiz, as predicted above, I figured embattled Secret Service
Chiefette Cheatle would take at least until Wednesday to toss the
resignation-letter word salad she hopes will whitewash her leadership
contribution to the Service's collective culpability for the national
horror of Saturday, July 13, 2024.
But here it's only Tuesday, and BOOM, she's OUT--perhaps to reclaim her
previous gig as Security Top Banana for Frito-Lay?
Now STOP THAT. I'd expect garbage comments like that from
the Usual Delusional Crowd, but Ms. Cheatle, prior to her
major corporate gig, spent 23 years working for the
Secret Service, retiring as SAIC of the office in Grand
Rapids, Michigan [a].

(huh? What's the USSS doing with a full office there? Well,
that's a story for another day...)

[a] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly_Cheatle
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
David Carson
2024-07-23 20:23:11 UTC
On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:49:25 -0000 (UTC), danny burstein
Post by danny burstein
[lots snipped]
Post by bryan_styble
Gee whiz, as predicted above, I figured embattled Secret Service
Chiefette Cheatle would take at least until Wednesday to toss the
resignation-letter word salad she hopes will whitewash her leadership
contribution to the Service's collective culpability for the national
horror of Saturday, July 13, 2024.
But here it's only Tuesday, and BOOM, she's OUT--perhaps to reclaim her
previous gig as Security Top Banana for Frito-Lay?
Now STOP THAT. I'd expect garbage comments like that from
the Usual Delusional Crowd, but Ms. Cheatle, prior to her
major corporate gig, spent 23 years working for the
Secret Service, retiring as SAIC of the office in Grand
Rapids, Michigan [a].
It's the Peter Principle any way you look at it.
2024-07-23 21:15:56 UTC
Sorry, Danny, that was just a situational set-up to the punchline of my
Frito Bandito gag. (Just trying there to genially generate some
amusement amid a dreadfully-serious story amid a dreadfully-serious

I'll endeavor to be more appropriately serious in future--something I
can effectuate with ease, as that's the only joke I can remember at my
so-long-60s-soon! age.

2024-09-15 21:42:20 UTC
U.S. Secret Service agents opened fire after seeing a person with a
firearm near Trump's golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, while the
Republican presidential candidate was golfing Sunday, according to two
law enforcement officials.

Donald Trump's campaign confirmed he was safe about the gunshots after
the FBI said it is investigating "what appears to be an attempted
assassination" of the Republican presidential candidate.


CNN's John Miller said: "Officials believe the shots fired at Trump
International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump,
according to sources familiar on the matter.

"The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned
fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a
description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle
that is close to that description has been stopped."
2024-09-16 09:13:00 UTC
Just nine weekends after former President Trump's near-miss in western

The rugged-looking fellow in this linked photo--who's now standing
accused of taking yet more shots in South Florida at the former POTUS
seeking to become a 21st Century Grover Cleveland--is a 58-year-old
named Ryan Wesley Routh.

(And his son sez that just tain't like his peaceable old man!)

2024-09-16 09:30:33 UTC
This USA Today coverage describes the accused golf-course gunman as
"impulsive" and a registered Democrat in North Carolina.

2024-09-16 14:38:40 UTC

Here's the latest work-in-progress coverage of the 5th-hole Trump golf
course gunplay, courtesy of those yahoos at Yahoo!

2024-09-20 19:24:21 UTC
Golf courses and Presidential protection: a bad combination, from
President [Theodore] Roosevelt through President Brandon--I mean Biden.

2024-09-21 01:55:52 UTC
US Secret Service [Interim!] Chief's briefing AND press
conference--updating investigation(s) attempt(s) into would-be
assassin(s') attempt(s) on Trump's life--before D.C. press corps on
Friday, September 20, 2024.

2024-09-21 02:13:09 UTC
You can decide for yourself after viewing the USSS Interim Chief's news
conference linked in the immediately-above entry, BUT:

From my always-inconsequential quarter, this Ronald Rowe fella is making
a strong case for being promoted to PERMANENT Chief, based on how he's
been handling these latest briefings over the last week.

At the VERY LEAST, interim boss Rowe sure beats that DEI-obsessed* woman
he replaced...after she resigned within 24 hours of her Congressional
testimony, a NonAnswerPalooza if there ever was one on Capitol Hill.

* Let's hire even MORE overweight lady-agents who can't access their
firearm holsters!
Adam H. Kerman
2024-09-21 13:18:53 UTC
Post by bryan_styble
You can decide for yourself after viewing the USSS Interim Chief's news
From my always-inconsequential quarter, this Ronald Rowe fella is making
a strong case for being promoted to PERMANENT Chief, based on how he's
been handling these latest briefings over the last week.
At the VERY LEAST, interim boss Rowe sure beats that DEI-obsessed* woman
he replaced...after she resigned within 24 hours of her Congressional
testimony, a NonAnswerPalooza if there ever was one on Capitol Hill.
* Let's hire even MORE overweight lady-agents who can't access their
firearm holsters!
The comparison between the two was unfair. She spoke the very next day
and obviously hadn't completed the after-action report. This is more
than a month and a half later.

As there have been problems throughout the agency for a long time, I'd
love to know how he's escaped blame.

I would have kept her and made her fix all the problems. As it's the end
of the Biden administration and she's being replaced anyway, she might
have been in the perfect position to sweep out all the bad. It would
matter not whom she offended.

I don't want the head of Secret Service subject to Senate advise and
consent. The Senate was kidding itself as to how that make the process
less political. There are an absurd number of agency heads subject to
advise and consent pointlessly.

Nor do I want protection split from currency crime and financial fraud.
Protection draws from long-experienced agents, at least 10 years. It is
not entry level. Split the agency, there's no pool to draw from.

The biggest problem, it appears, has been making it part of Homeland
Security in the post 9-11 government reorganization, 'cuz a terrorist's
biggest fear is reorganized government. It's not gone smoothly. Secret
Service has few personnel and must borrow agents from other parts of
government to secure sites. Note that site management is an entirely
separate function from the protective detail. The protective detail
always surrounds the protectee and never manages the site.

Extra people are drawn from Homeland Security investigators and other
parts of government. These non-Secret Service agents lack the extensive
security training. It's best to deploy them in guard positions, manning
posts in exterior areas well away from the protectee. But news reports
have said that they whine and complain about being placed in "boring"
posts at which they can't see the stage and top management close to the
Secretary of Homeland Security has let them get away with this whining.

If the extra people are allowed to refuse the Secret Service site
manager's orders and NOT get written up for it, then the site manager's
authority has been compromised and there is no useful plan to implement
to manage the site.

I don't get the report's conclusion about over-reliance on cell phones.
That doesn't make any sense. A cell phone is a perfectly useful
communications device. Modern push-to-talk walkie talkies used at large
construction sites all work on the cell phone network anyway.

With regard to the failure to secure the building roof the guy shot
from, it said that it was identified in the site survey. Something
undermined somebody's authority, leading to the failure to secure the
location. Was it the site manager forgetting to follow through, or had a
higher up at Homeland Security second-guessed a decision about assigning
personnel? They could have secured it with local police officers too but
enough people had to be assigned to man the location.
2024-09-24 21:09:23 UTC
Very interesting and careful analysis there, Adam; you've given us all
some food for thought, and I accordingly of course thank you for it.

Meanwhile, here's a People magazine piece which includes some of the
text from that letter written by Trump's second (thankfully-thwarted!)
would-be-Oswald, including phraseology in which nowadays-cuffed gunman
Routh off-loads the job of taking out POTUS 45 to the Iranian mullahs!

Steven M. O'Neill
2024-07-14 19:05:09 UTC
Post by bryan_styble
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in
Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
Steven O'Neill ***@panix.com
Brooklyn, NY http://www.panix.com/~steveo
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-14 20:13:08 UTC
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by bryan_styble
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in
Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
You've been on unmoderated Usenet for approximately forever. How are you
unaware that every newsgroup has off-topic discussion in it?
Steven M. O'Neill
2024-07-15 19:25:48 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
You've been on unmoderated Usenet for approximately forever. How are you
unaware that every newsgroup has off-topic discussion in it?

A person can dream, can't they?
Steven O'Neill ***@panix.com
Brooklyn, NY http://www.panix.com/~steveo
Steve Hayes
2024-07-15 00:47:47 UTC
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by bryan_styble
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in
Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
Presumably because the allegedly possible would-be assassin is
defunct, and therefore on-topic.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Louis Epstein
2024-07-15 05:22:26 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by bryan_styble
Even before this evening's unfolding news from Pennsylvania, it's more
or less 1968 all over again. And Democrats shall soon convene in
Biden is referring to Trump as "Donald" in his brief briefing.
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
Presumably because the allegedly possible would-be assassin is
defunct, and therefore on-topic.
Both AR-15-wielder Thomas Matthew Crooks (apparently a political
conservative who registered as a Republican after briefly affiliating
with a more liberal group that celebrated Biden's inauguration)
and engineer/volunteer fireman Corey Comperatore have died,
the "critically injured" other victims have not been identified
but I suppose might become on-topic as well.

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-15 17:27:17 UTC
Post by Louis Epstein
Post by Steve Hayes
Presumably because the allegedly possible would-be assassin is
defunct, and therefore on-topic.
Both AR-15-wielder Thomas Matthew Crooks (apparently a political
Yeah, no.
Post by Louis Epstein
who registered as a Republican
In a closed-primary state, where registering as the opposite party to
one's natural affiliation is common.
Post by Louis Epstein
after briefly affiliating with a more liberal group that celebrated
Biden's inauguration)
Which was a far-left "progressive" group.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-15 18:09:34 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Louis Epstein
Post by Steve Hayes
Presumably because the allegedly possible would-be assassin is
defunct, and therefore on-topic.
Both AR-15-wielder Thomas Matthew Crooks (apparently a political
Yeah, no.
Post by Louis Epstein
who registered as a Republican
In a closed-primary state, where registering as the opposite party to
one's natural affiliation is common.
Thanks for that. There is no factual basis, just pulled from your own
imagination, but there's for it anyway.

Last I looked, we still have secret ballot in this
country so you couldn't possibly know why he registered Republican.

I don't know about Pennsylvania, but there are states that require party
registration to vote in that party's primary.

Party registration has nothing to do with voting in the general
election. He voted one time, in 2022 in a general election. I got that
from Fox News.

He didn't register Republican in order to vote in the Pennsylvania
primary. You got that wrong. Gaming party registration to screw up the
opposite party's primary is common in Pennsylvania? That's your accusation
without factual basis.

CNN sez his father is a registered Libertarian and his mother a
Democratic. Did his parents inspire him to commit political violence?
Clearly you can tell based on their party registrations.

Let's stop buying into the nonsense that anyone's propensity for
committing an act of political violence or terror can be predicted from
party registration or voting. If you object to this accusation against
those favoring gun rights, then you yourself don't get to do it against
anyone you perceive to be a "far left" radical. You personally don't
truly support raising the level of civility based on what you've written
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Louis Epstein
after briefly affiliating with a more liberal group that celebrated
Biden's inauguration)
Which was a far-left "progressive" group.
More libel from you. The group promotes voter registration and turnout.
What the hell is "far left" about that? To anyone who isn't trying to
spread lies and innuendo, that's an ordinary political activity. There's
nothing radical about it.

Louis Epstein got it right, you got it wrong. According to their
statement, they sent out an email message promoting watching Biden's
innauguration. In response, he contributed $15. Nothing "far left"
radical about taht. He was 17, so that's BEFORE he registered
Republican. The group said it dropped his email address from mailing
lists so it sounds like the address wasn't maintained.

It's weird that they reported such a small contribution as that's below
the reporting threshold in federal law.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-15 21:25:35 UTC
Last I looked, we still have secret ballot in this country so you
couldn't possibly know why he registered Republican.
I can't "know" to a metaphysical certainty, but I can infer from
available evidence that he was not politically conservative. (I
should think that would be uncontroversial.) That leaves one other
plausible explanation.
I don't know about Pennsylvania, but there are states that require
party registration to vote in that party's primary.
Exactly. People cross-register for primaries in order to cast
"spoiler" votes. This is common and sometimes rises to the level of
organized efforts.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-15 23:55:55 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Last I looked, we still have secret ballot in this country so you
couldn't possibly know why he registered Republican.
I can't "know" to a metaphysical certainty, but I can infer from
available evidence that he was not politically conservative. (I
should think that would be uncontroversial.) That leaves one other
plausible explanation.
You cannot possibly infer anything based on two datapoints. You accept
one datapoint and reject the other and draw your conclusion.

It's absurd.
Post by J.D. Baldwin
I don't know about Pennsylvania, but there are states that require
party registration to vote in that party's primary.
Exactly. People cross-register for primaries in order to cast
"spoiler" votes. This is common and sometimes rises to the level of
organized efforts.
You've gotten so much wrong I'm not taking your word for it.

He didn't vote in the primary even though you infer that he registered in
the opposite party to game the primary. You won't own up to having made
that error. You libeled the get-out-the-vote organization as "far left"
when they are doing nothing more than ordinary politicking. And you
quoted selectively to hide your errors in this followup.

You've completely drunk the Kool-Aid on somehow one's voting behavior
predicts violent tendancies. You don't like it when "the morons" do it
to gun advocates yet you feel free to do it for someone that you "just
know" what his political beliefs were.
Louis Epstein
2024-07-17 05:01:04 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Last I looked, we still have secret ballot in this country so you
couldn't possibly know why he registered Republican.
I can't "know" to a metaphysical certainty, but I can infer from
available evidence that he was not politically conservative. (I
should think that would be uncontroversial.) That leaves one other
plausible explanation.
There is available evidence from people who knew him that
he *WAS* politically conservative.

On what basis do you discount it?

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-17 13:15:15 UTC
Post by Louis Epstein
Post by J.D. Baldwin
I can't "know" to a metaphysical certainty, but I can infer from
available evidence that he was not politically conservative. (I
should think that would be uncontroversial.) That leaves one
other plausible explanation.
There is available evidence from people who knew him that
he *WAS* politically conservative.
On what basis do you discount it?
On the basis that conservatives don't attempt to murder conservative
candidates. That seems pretty well dispositive. Furthermore, when
his dad heard about the assassination attempt, he called police
wondering whether it might have been his son. That is not a normal
reaction for a parent: "Hey, this thing happened and my son isn't
actually in the house right now ... I think it might have been him."
There was some basis for that belief. I don't know what it was in
detail, but the fact that he thought it at all is a pretty big clue
about what his son went around saying.

I have seen no evidence that his acquaintances considered him
"conservative" but give me a URL and I'll read it.

It's possible that the assassination wasn't at all political and was
the result of some out-there mental illness that doesn't map to any
political spectrum. That's far from unheard of.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Steve Hayes
2024-07-18 04:31:30 UTC
On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:15:15 -0000 (UTC),
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Louis Epstein
There is available evidence from people who knew him that
he *WAS* politically conservative.
On what basis do you discount it?
On the basis that conservatives don't attempt to murder conservative
But is there any evidence that Trump is conservative?

He seems rather to represent the radical right, rather than
conservative anything.

Conservatives want to maintain the status quo, Trump wants to make
radical changes, and has succeeded in radicalising the republican
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
2024-07-18 08:03:15 UTC
The question has been raised as to the most accurate term to apply to
Trump ideology, such as it is:

From my own always-inconsequential viewpoint, I think the most accurate
term for Trump's odd assortment of political positions would be
"populist". And without consulting the big red Merriam-Webster's
book--the Styble Bible--I'm fairly certain their definition of the word
fits Trump more than conservative, and WAY WAY WAY more than liberal.
(Duh.) Meanwhile, there are strains I've noticed in Trumpist rhetoric
which align with standard libertarian ideology as well.

That's a fair bottom-line I believe, no matter how much a person detests
or adores him--with precious few folks at ALL just in-between, thanks to
his one-of-a-kind Trump style. And that Trump style (if not his
shifting-over-the-decades ideology), wonderful or appalling as it is
variously regarded, stretches back to even before his days as a Hershel
Walker-signing owner of the New Jersey Generals of the [first] USFL.
(Me, I always rooted for the Chicago Fire* in that short-lived
springtime league.)

So maybe the only way to precisely describe his unprecedented and
too-often unpresidential Presidential arc is simply "Trump". I mean,
that says it all, whether you're voting against him or for him, no? And
now he's on the verge, for better or worse, of being the 21st Century
Grover Cleveland! (Stephen Grover Cleveland more accurately, one of my
historical favorites--in part simply because he switched out Vice
Presidents for his second term. HAD to, actually, as his first veep
Thomas Hendricks died in office in November 1885.)

But whatever one thinks of ANY of this, can't one and all we agree that:

(1) each and every murder is stretching back through antiquity was a bad
(2) the very narrow category of murder known as assassination is worse
by a factor LITERALLY of millions--simply because, in the current USA
case, a quarter-billion people are affected it if it's a Presidential
election--and the political system is downright convulsed by such
political murder; and that
(3) Assassinations thusly are NEVER good, even of despots (for there
are ALWAYS a lot of people who highly regard the dead pol, no matter how
reviled he was by others).

I therefore detest assassinations of ANYONE--not merely of the Kennedys
and Malcolm X, but also of Trotsky, MLK, Marat, Julius Caesar, Huey
Long, Medgar Evers, Henry of Navarre [one of the greatest French
monarchs if you don't know--and you SHOULD]; Garfield, McKinley [I still
call the Alaska peak that in his honor], Lincoln and yes, Kentucky
Governor William Goebel (who died in February 1901 after being shot in
January outside the Capitol building in Frankfort, to date the only
governor in American history to have been assassinated.)

By the way, while there were a couple suspects, that Goebel case remains
unsolved to this day...though of course there are a lot of people still
fervently believing even the JFK hit is still an unsolved case.
Instead, the mountain of facts gathered since November 1963 point quite
clearly to Lee Oswald** as indeed THE guy responsible for the gore of
Zapruder frame #313. Oh, and Oswald fired those first two shots, too.
That lovely, articulate woman Ruth Paine agrees with this, not at all
incidentally. After never forget, the 91-year-old Paine is the only
person in history who ever tried to teach non-driver Oswald how to drive
a car. (They agreed to give up after several unsuccessful sessions,
else Oswald might have been able to instead pull off a drive-by shooting
of Kennedy!)

But to loop back to the question: While you may disagree, for my part
I'm calling Trump a populist (applicable at least now, but I think as
well as over the four years he served as POTUS).

Meanwhile, I'm also just sitting back to watch how all this plays out on
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. (No, it ISN'T
merely "the first Tuesday in November"--because if November 1st falls on
a Tuesday, election day is November 8th. Feel free to fact-check that
one if I have fractured credibility with you.)

Oh, one MORE thing we can ALL agree on I hope: that 2024 is shaping up
to be every bit as monumental a Presidential election as those of 2000,
1980, 1968, 1964, 1948, 1932, 1860, 1856, 1828, 1824 and 1800 each in
their own ways were, agreed?

* That would be the late George Allen [Sr.], who of course also coached
The Washington Redskins after Lombardi, but earlier and most gloriously
helmed my all-time fave NFL franchise, the late-1960s Los Angeles
Rams--and not just in one stint but TWO of 'em, for they REHIRED Allen
awhile after they fired him! And as any political type worth his
left/right/center/whatever bumper-sticker knows, the senior Allen was
the father of former Virginia Governor George Allen [Jr.]
** Not a single one, to my knowledge, of his acquaintances knew him by
his middle name Harvey; blame the Dallas Police spokesman for that
three-pronged name historians seem to be so stuck on.
2024-07-18 08:15:02 UTC
I sure ought to quit posting from pure memory, and instead resume
researching my posts at least a BIT.

That's because (now that I think about it post-posting) maybe it was not
simply learning to drive a car per se, but rather trying to teach Oswald
how to drive a STICK-SHIFT that he and Paine were doing out in that
deserted shopping center parking lot near Irving, Texas several times.

And just because I'm so flattered by any and every of y'all who take the
time to read my mini-essays (even if they also deride them), I feel
obligated to look into it again--haven't read about the Paine/Oswald
parking-lot sessions in about 20 years now--and get back to this forum
on it...but probably NOT before the first Tuesday after the first Monday
in November 2024. Indeed, I don't expect to get a wink of sleep until

J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-18 13:04:45 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
Post by J.D. Baldwin
On the basis that conservatives don't attempt to murder conservative
But is there any evidence that Trump is conservative?
That's a complicated question, to which I believe the short answer is
"No." But he is a "conservative candidate," by which I mean he is a
candidate likely to implement policies and appointments conservatives
will support.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
David Carson
2024-07-18 18:57:53 UTC
On Thu, 18 Jul 2024 06:31:30 +0200, Steve Hayes
Post by Steve Hayes
But is there any evidence that Trump is conservative?
Yes. He governed like one.
Post by Steve Hayes
He seems rather to represent the radical right, rather than
conservative anything.
In politics, "right" and "conservative" are synonymous.
Post by Steve Hayes
Conservatives want to maintain the status quo,
That is often correct outside of the realm of politics. In politics,
it only explains how the labels of liberal and conservative got
applied to the left and right wings originally. But going forward, no.
That means you would have to relabel which side is which whenever the
status quo changes. Think about it. The current status quo in the
United States is that millions of people are allowed to illegally
cross our border, remain in the country, and receive a smorgasbord of
rights and benefits. No one would call the people who want to maintain
that radical status quo, "conservative."

David Carson
Adam H. Kerman
2024-07-18 19:19:54 UTC
Post by David Carson
Post by Steve Hayes
But is there any evidence that Trump is conservative?
Yes. He governed like one.
Post by Steve Hayes
He seems rather to represent the radical right, rather than
conservative anything.
In politics, "right" and "conservative" are synonymous.
Blanket statements recognizing no nuance are always helpful.

As you should have learned in school, "left" and "right" originated in
Parliament in France. In 1789, those who were loyal to the (not yet
executed) king sat at the president of the assembly's right, and those
supporting the French Revolution on his left.

"Right" and "left" in American politics have a social and behavioral
baggage attached, depending on how much interference OR what kind of
interference in human behavior they want regulated by government.

Traditionally, conservatism was a subset of [classical] liberalism in
which societal change wasn't flat-out opposed, they just wanted change
to be gradual and well thought out as opposed to being radically
implemented overnight.
Post by David Carson
Post by Steve Hayes
Conservatives want to maintain the status quo,
That is often correct outside of the realm of politics. In politics,
it only explains how the labels of liberal and conservative got
applied to the left and right wings originally. But going forward, no.
That means you would have to relabel which side is which whenever the
status quo changes.
Liberals in the 1960s would be condemned today as failing all sorts of
progressive litmus tests.

Conservatives these days include a great many Protestant religious types
who would wish to impose their religious views upon society in a way
that would have horrified conservatives in the 1950s and 1960s.
Post by David Carson
Think about it. The current status quo in the
United States is that millions of people are allowed to illegally
cross our border, remain in the country, and receive a smorgasbord of
rights and benefits. No one would call the people who want to maintain
that radical status quo, "conservative."
Those who are ignorant of history...

You never heard of Ronald Reagan and the amendments to the Immigration
and Naturalization Act his administration negotiated with Congress, that
he signed into law. These are the major provisions of law mostly still
in effect today.

You don't recall amnesty, do you.

Ronald Reagan's farewell address included numerous positive statements
about immigration.

There were many decades in which labor unions lobbied against easing
immigration restrictions to keep wages artificially high, and they had
allies among both Democrats and Republicans. Although more often than
not, Republicans have favored fewer immigration restrictions than
Democrats over the decades.

George W. Bush tried and failed to negotiate legislation that would have
had fewer immigration restrictions.

Pretty much no one cared about immigration when Mexican illegals
generally entered into California.
Louis Epstein
2024-07-18 18:39:24 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Louis Epstein
Post by J.D. Baldwin
I can't "know" to a metaphysical certainty, but I can infer from
available evidence that he was not politically conservative. (I
should think that would be uncontroversial.) That leaves one
other plausible explanation.
There is available evidence from people who knew him that
he *WAS* politically conservative.
On what basis do you discount it?
On the basis that conservatives don't attempt to murder conservative
candidates. That seems pretty well dispositive. Furthermore, when
his dad heard about the assassination attempt, he called police
wondering whether it might have been his son. That is not a normal
reaction for a parent: "Hey, this thing happened and my son isn't
actually in the house right now ... I think it might have been him."
There was some basis for that belief. I don't know what it was in
detail, but the fact that he thought it at all is a pretty big clue
about what his son went around saying.
I have seen no evidence that his acquaintances considered him
"conservative" but give me a URL and I'll read it.
Some articles (NYT and Philadelphia Inquirer) quoted classmates
to this effect.
Post by J.D. Baldwin
It's possible that the assassination wasn't at all political and was
the result of some out-there mental illness that doesn't map to any
political spectrum. That's far from unheard of.
The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.
J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-18 19:37:17 UTC
Post by Louis Epstein
Post by J.D. Baldwin
I have seen no evidence that his acquaintances considered him
"conservative" but give me a URL and I'll read it.
Some articles (NYT and Philadelphia Inquirer) quoted classmates
to this effect.
Ah. The same people who said the Secret Service helped Trump up after
he "fell" on stage.

Unsurprisingly, there is a range of opinion among his acquaintances,
on which the NYT and Inquirer seem to have reported ... "selectively."
Forbes reports: "Student Anna Dusch, however, who took a government
class with Crooks, told the Times he never revealed any of his
political views to his peers despite the subject material. One
classmate, Jameson Murphy, told the New York Post that Crooks, 20,
wasn't able to make the Bethel Park High School rifle team after
missing targets 'by close to 20 feet' and described him as a 'terrible
shot.' Another classmate, who was not named, added that the rifle team
coach had concerns about Crooks, saying the former Naval man 'knew
when someone’s not the greatest person' and had noted Crooks' 'crass
jokes that weren’t appropriate when there are firearms in the school

Another source I cannot find claims that the official investigation
has basically concluded that he had no strong political preferences.
Furthermore, he is known to have searched for Biden campaign
appearances as well as Trump.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
2024-07-18 21:52:54 UTC
BREAKING NEWS (as the cable TV talking heads so reflexively, cloyingly,
habitually AND exaggerating introduce their copy) !!! :

Here's discussion of some of the data the Feds, et al. have extracted
from would-be assassin Crooks's phone, courtesy of those semi-literate
Yahoo! staffers (who probably edit it some).

2024-08-02 23:26:48 UTC
Amid the startling revelations emerging daily from the onging
Congressional investigation into the July 13th near-miss by the Thomas
Crooks in western Pennsylvania, a curious question lingers:

Why is almost every TV news operation still using that same short-hair
childhood photo of the decidedly longhaired 20-year-gunman? Now, we've
all seen already at least two or three other, recent photos of the late
Crooks as a longhair adult, but only fleetingly and only during the
first week or so of the aftermath. Meanwhile, they keep recycling that
same photo, taken about a decade ago, which looks like one of those
posed shots from middle school "pictures" day.

Y'all smarter-than-me thinkers got any idea what's behind this lock-step
behavior on both the network AND local TV? I mean, what could news
directors be hoping to convey to ever-gullible news consumers like me
with this odd policy ?
2024-08-03 10:05:53 UTC
ORDINARILY, earlier photos are circulated to make the person in question
seem more relatable (hey, reminds me of my cousin/nephew/kid I babysat)
or to evoke sympathy (didn't most of us look 'cute' as kids, or wearing
a Scout uniform, or going through some 'awkward phase' during

However, in this particular case, I have no idea why news outlets would
attempt to make Crooks relatable OR sympathetic. My best guess would be
that his family released, then pressed for circulation of earlier photo
to project a more 'normal' image of him.
David Carson
2024-08-05 18:16:28 UTC
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 23:26:48 +0000, bryan_styble
Post by bryan_styble
Amid the startling revelations emerging daily from the onging
Congressional investigation into the July 13th near-miss by the Thomas
Why is almost every TV news operation still using that same short-hair
childhood photo of the decidedly longhaired 20-year-gunman?
Don't know, but someone found this photo made only a few moments
before the shooting. It's understandable why the Secret Service didn't
want it to be circulated.


David Carson
Adam H. Kerman
2024-08-05 19:21:04 UTC
Post by David Carson
Post by bryan_styble
Amid the startling revelations emerging daily from the onging
Congressional investigation into the July 13th near-miss by the Thomas
Why is almost every TV news operation still using that same short-hair
childhood photo of the decidedly longhaired 20-year-gunman?
Don't know, but someone found this photo made only a few moments
before the shooting. It's understandable why the Secret Service didn't
want it to be circulated.
The Babylon Bee is just mean. Look at the stories they are promoting.

10 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mormons On Your Porch

Drunken Kamala Mistakenly Picks Wrong Shapiro For VP

DNA Test Reveals Kamala Harris Actually 98% Vodka

Jesus Explains To Disciples That They Are Always Sheep In His Parables
Because Sheep Are Really, Really Stupid

This gag references the movie Babe (1995).

They are generally trying to fool the public into believing that religious
Protestants are funnier than Jews.
2024-08-20 21:02:49 UTC
Some of what ELSE was (mortally) happening that same fateful--and
quite-nearly FATAL for the former President in the late Crooks's
crosshairs--date of Saturday, July 13, 2024:

Rapstress Tan DaGod concludes her career.

2024-08-27 09:25:42 UTC
I've been trying without success thus far to nail down what
would-be-Oswald Thomas Crooks's acquaintences called him in school and
around town.

Was it Thomas? Or Tom? Or Tommy? Or Thom? Or perhaps Matthew or
Matt, should the late gunman have gone by his middle name? Or maybe he
mostly was known by some nickname, like Spike or Slim?

I expected that simple fact to be frequently nailed down in the coverage
but not so, to my surprise. Wiki editors haven't addressed by what he
went by EITHER.

(And I'm STILL utterly BAFFLED why the young man who died with
rock-band-style long hair doesn't have one of those several
similarly-coifed photos of him INSTEAD serving as the "go-to" picture
most the news organizations use.)

At least those media outfits which aren't part of this stupid
Never-Say-His-Name! mindset that some snowflake news producers and
editors have adopted in emulation of the Sandy Hook Promise folks and
others seeking to whitewash ugly history for sincere but misguided
reasons. Just imagine if here in 2024 some of us were asking about
Dallas '63, "Hey, who WAS that guy, Lee Harvey WhatHisName?" Or worse,
"Say, now what WAS the name of that despot with the narrow mustache,
Adolf SomethingOrOther?"

J.D. Baldwin
2024-07-17 13:17:54 UTC
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
I mean, two people are dead, two people are on a pretty grim
"healthwatch" and one person escaped The Long Dirt Nap by literally a
couple of centimeters. *This* is the off-topic thread you choose to
call out?
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
Steven M. O'Neill
2024-07-17 19:02:10 UTC
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
I mean, two people are dead, two people are on a pretty grim
"healthwatch" and one person escaped The Long Dirt Nap by literally a
couple of centimeters. *This* is the off-topic thread you choose to
call out?
This thread is primarily about those still living. An obituary
would highlight the lives lived by the deceased. But again, I'm
a newcomer, so I'm just curious about the rules and norms here,
if any.
Steven O'Neill ***@panix.com
Brooklyn, NY http://www.panix.com/~steveo
W.C. Green
2024-07-17 19:15:43 UTC
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
I mean, two people are dead, two people are on a pretty grim
"healthwatch" and one person escaped The Long Dirt Nap by literally a
couple of centimeters. *This* is the off-topic thread you choose to
call out?
This thread is primarily about those still living. An obituary
would highlight the lives lived by the deceased. But again, I'm
a newcomer, so I'm just curious about the rules and norms here,
if any.
Baseball is always on-topic.
Steven M. O'Neill
2024-07-17 19:55:55 UTC
Post by W.C. Green
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
I mean, two people are dead, two people are on a pretty grim
"healthwatch" and one person escaped The Long Dirt Nap by literally a
couple of centimeters. *This* is the off-topic thread you choose to
call out?
This thread is primarily about those still living. An obituary
would highlight the lives lived by the deceased. But again, I'm
a newcomer, so I'm just curious about the rules and norms here,
if any.
Baseball is always on-topic.
Sure, because of the dead-ball era.
Steven O'Neill ***@panix.com
Brooklyn, NY http://www.panix.com/~steveo
David Samuel Barr
2024-07-18 01:43:55 UTC
Post by W.C. Green
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Post by J.D. Baldwin
Post by Steven M. O'Neill
Forgive me, as I am fairly new; but
why is this on-topic for this group?
I mean, two people are dead, two people are on a pretty grim
"healthwatch" and one person escaped The Long Dirt Nap by literally a
couple of centimeters.  *This* is the off-topic thread you choose to
call out?
This thread is primarily about those still living. An obituary
would highlight the lives lived by the deceased. But again, I'm
a newcomer, so I'm just curious about the rules and norms here,
if any.
Baseball is always on-topic.
As are Tom Lehrer's works
(fortunately he isn't yet).