Post by David CarsonPost by Louis EpsteinPost by David CarsonPost by Louis Epsteintomorrow I overtake a tie,Joel
Siegel and Richard Boone,which will presumably lead to one of them
being listed as died at my age while the other remains on the older
I'm pretty sure it's going to show that both of them died at your age,
since they both did.
So it did,but I remember a tie being processed differently before
(one left the visible list and the other did not).
That was probably in the younger-than and older-than sections, which are
set to return ten records, no more and no less. The old-as section returns
however many matches there are, which is zero on most days.
Post by Louis EpsteinSo Slim Pickens and Shari Lewis (who died at ages about a month apart)
both arrived on the older-than list,and Dick York and Donna Summer
will both leave the younger-than list tomorrow.
(Has there ever been a list of sequential oldest living people
in the database?
Certainly. It's an easy search. It's also on the menu, named a little
different from what you described, but essentially the same thing. I'll
let you look for it.
I checked the menus on both and and found
no choice that is what I'm talking about.
There's a rankable list of the current oldest living,
but not a list of everyone who has in turn been the oldest
living listed person until their deaths,
ending with the current incumbent.
(Here's the list from my supercentenarian charts...)
(Since 1955)
Years Days Born Died
Betsy (Russell) Baker 113 65 August 20,1842 October 24,1955
Janet "Jennie"
(Chaplow) Howell 111 292 February 28,1845 December 16,1956
Christina (Backs)
Karnebeek 110 5 October 2,1849 October 7,1959
[only ever listed in Guinness as "Baks Karnebeek (Mrs.)"]
Robert Alexander Early 111 1 October 8,1849 October 9,1960
Martha Mary (Young)
Kelly 113 202 June 7,1851 December 30,1964
William Archer
Fullingim 110 30 July 7,1855 August 6,1965
Hannah Smith 110 3 January 7,1856 January 10,1966
John Mosely Turner 111 280 June 15,1856 March 21,1968
Johanna Maria
(Drotskie) Booysen 111 151 January 17,1857 June 16,1968
["Booyson" in Guinness,but not on tombstone;spellings of
maiden name (not in Guinness) vary]
Marie Bernatkova 111 194 October 22,1857 May 4,1969
Ada (Giddings) Roe 111 339 February 6,1858 January 11,1970
Kittie Mary (Bonham)
Harvey 112 180 January 12,1860 July 10,1972
Josefa Salas Mateo 112 228 July 14,1860 February 27,1973
Alice Stevenson 112 39 July 10,1861 August 18,1973
Adeline "Ettie" (Siebe)
Crist 111 330 February 14,1862 January 10,1974
Mito Umeta 112 65 March 27,1863 May 31,1975
Niwa Kawamoto 113 103 August 5,1863 November 16,1976
[alternately born September 17]
Alice (Flannagan)
[Gilmore] Coles 113 69 August 28,1865 November 5,1978
Fannie Leona Thomas 113 273 April 24,1867 January 22,1981
[by some records born April 14th?]
Augustine Teissier
(Sister Julia) 112 66 January 2,1869 March 9,1981
[death date shown from Guinness,records apparently show March 8th]
Nellie Mary (Silsby)
Spencer 113 81 August 24,1869 November 13,1982
Emma (Werner) Wilson 113 154 May 12,1870 October 13,1983
Mathew Beard 114 222 July 9,1870 February 16,1985
[SSA study age is not clearly supported in available records]
Augusta Louise (Hoppe)
Holtz 115 79 August 3,1871 October 21,1986
Mary Elizabeth
(Wallace) McKinney 113 248 May 30,1873 February 2,1987
Anna Eliza (Davies)
Williams 114 208 June 2,1873 December 27,1987
Florence Knapp 114 93 October 10,1873 January 11,1988
Jeanne Louise Calment 122 164 February 21,1875 August 4,1997
Marie Louise Febronie
(Chasse) Meilleur 117 230 August 29,1880 April 16,1998
Sarah (Clark) Knauss 119 97 September 24,1880 December 30,1999
Eva (Sharpe) Morris 114 360 November 8,1885 November 2,2000
Marie Marthe Augustine
(Mesange) Bremont 115 42 April 25,1886 June 6,2001
Ella (Allison) Gantt 114 332 November 30,1886 October 28,2001
[SSA says maiden name Alexander and born two years later,
six months before a brother]
Maud (Davis) Farris
Luse 115 56 January 21,1887 March 18,2002
Kamato Hongo 116 45 September 16,1887 October 31,2003
Mitoyo Kawate 114 182 May 15,1889 November 13,2003
Ramona Trinidad
(Iglesias y Jordan de)
Soler 114 271 September 1,1889 May 29,2004
Maria Esther (Heredia
Lecaro) Capovilla 116 347 September 14,1889 August 27,2006
Elizabeth (Jones)
Bolden 116 118 August 15,1890 December 11,2006
Emiliano Mercado
Del Toro 115 156 August 21,1891 January 24,2007
Emma Fanchon (Faust)
Tillman 114 67 November 22,1892 January 28,2007
Yone Minagawa 114 221 January 4,1893 August 13,2007
Edna Ruth (Scott)
Parker 115 220 April 20,1893 November 26,2008
Maria (de Jesus) dos
Santos 115 114 September 10,1893 January 2,2009
Gertrude Baines 115 158 April 6,1894 September 11,2009
Kama Chinen 114 357 May 10,1895 May 2,2010
Anne Eugenie Blanchard 114 261 February 16,1896 November 4,2010
Maria Gomes Valentim 114 347 July 9,1896 June 21,2011
Besse Berry (Brown)
Cooper 116 100 August 26,1896 December 4,2012
Dina (Guerri)
Manfredini 115 257 April 4,1897 December 17,2012
Jiroemon Kimura 116 54 April 19,1897 June 12,2013
Misawo (Aoki) Okawa 117 27 March 5,1898 April 1,2015
Gertrude Weaver 116 c. 345 April 1898 April 6,2015
[Month in census report,family celebrated birthday July 4]
Susannah (Mushatt)
Jones 116 311 July 6,1899 May 12,2016
[Authenticated by New England Centenarian Study from census data]
Emma Martina Luigia
(Morano) Martinuzzi 117 137 November 29,1899 April 15,2017
Violet Henrietta
(Moss) Brown 117 189 March 10,1900 September 15,2017
Nabi Tajima 117 260 August 4,1900 April 21,2018
Chiyo Miyako 117 81 May 2,1901 July 22,2018
Kane (Ota) Tanaka 119 107 January 2,1903 April 19,2022
Lucille Randon (Sister
Andre) 118 340 February 11,1904 January 17,2023
Maria Branyas Morera 117 168 March 4,1907 August 19,2024
Tomiko Itooka 116 220 May 23,1908 December 29,2024
You don't have anything like that that I can find,
even adjusting for your format.
The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.