OT: "Finally beat my southern baptist aunt at her own game"
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2025-01-15 17:43:53 UTC
I thought this was pretty funny.

It's not completely OT, given the reference to the End Times.


By Digital_Disimpaction:

My aunt (68) is a hardcore southern baptist or evangelical or something
like that. Super religious, super judgemental of everyone and everything
that isn't her. Difficult to deal with. She has opinions on everything
and will tell you even though you didn't ask. She has some THOUGHTS on
my husband and I not having kids but 🤷‍♀️ she and everyone else in the
family also know I'm atheist.

At a family gathering recently she started going off on the falling
birthrates. Saying not only are people less fertile because they're
choosing to have babies later in life, but those that are fertile are
choosing not to reproduce cue pointed look at me and how people are
HaViNg AbOrTiOnS "left and right" and how the human race will come to an
end because of us selfish millennials. Oh and the gays. She also somehow
blamed "the gays" for falling birthrates.

I asked her why she isn't trusting in God's plan? And she looked at me
like I had 2 heads and asked what I meant. I told her that she believes
in the second coming of Jesus (she literally believes its Trump) and all
of that rapture business, then the end of the human race was His plan
anyway and why doesn't she trust in Him? Why is she questioning God?

Y'all I think her brain short circuited.

I said "Maybe you just need to trust in his plan. Worry about yourself
and your household and let God sort out the rest. Questioning his grand
plan isn't very Christian of you."

Everyone went silent and she looked like a deer in the headlights. The
conversation quickly changed to the weather we've been having.

Hasn't said a word to me since. Felt great.


47 comments so far.

The OP's remarks remind me of how, when other childfree people get
nagged to have kids by busybody friends and relatives who won't take no
for an answer, the former quote Saint Paul. Namely, 1 Corinthians 13:11.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish
2025-01-16 16:47:36 UTC
And this showed up in the thread, if anyone is interested. It's from
2019, written by an ex-fundamentalist. Very amusing - and very long.

"Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical


Somehow, I never knew there were Trump Towers in Istanbul...
