Post by J.D. BaldwinPost by Waterlou4While the District's law tells you what sort of pets you may
controllable, you
Post by J.D. Baldwinought to be able to keep it. And a neutered, declawed bobcat
Post by J.D. Baldwineasily controllable.<< -- J.D. Baldwin
What you think "ought" to be is not the way it is, and until
you persuade the
Post by J.D. Baldwinstate legislature that it's wrong, ignoring/breaking the law
is not an
Post by J.D. Baldwinacceptable way to behave.
I worry about somebody's toddler getting loose and looking
like a snack to
Post by J.D. BaldwinHarry's bobcat.
But wait - maybe the cat won't bite - maybe it will follow
Harry's example and
Post by J.D. Baldwinjust throw an ad hominem insult at anyone who gets in its way.
I have to admit, Madcow, that IMHO, you definitely dropped the
ball this time, and started an unwarranted flame against Harry.
Now, I'll be the first to say that I didn't care much for his
flaming rants, nor anyone else's for that matter against you in
the past, and at times those flaming rants went well beyond
reason, and they were totally uncalled for. However, Harry seems
to have made a conscious effort to avoid saying anything
negative about you since the first of the year, perhaps he made
that one of his "New Year's Resolution", who knows. But now,
here you come, tossing the trash back over into his yard, when
you should have been doing that all along, and not wait until
after those flames against you have stopped.
Hopefully, Harry and anyone else, that has had an axe to grid
with you in the past, won't grab hold of this knee-jerk post
that you let loose, and hop back on the same ole band wagon and
go back to the way things were, for frankly, it was all very
silly, redundant as hell, and all around stupid.
If you have a problem with Harry having what you feel is a
non-domesticated animal, which the only proof of its existence
that I know of, is what Harry has said about it, then call
Animal Control, call the Police, call the Zoo, call Batman, call
Scotland Yard, call Dial-a Prayer, call anyone that you need to
call and have it investigated. This is certainly not the place
to hammer this topic out, no more than it was the place to
discuss your boat that he spoke so fondly of in the past.
Now, you and I haven't always agreed, but we have chatted
off-channel, and we have kept those chats very cordial, and I
hope it continues that way, and the same can be said for the few
chats that Harry and myself have had off-channel, but I have to
be honest, you were given a reprieve from Harry's constant
badgering at you, and you failed to take full advantage of it,
and instead started a badgering session of your own. So let's
drop this silly crap and worry about something that really
matters, like, how can we get Pirate-John to stop wearing Don
Ho's hand-me-down shirts?
*The Wiz quietly slips on his flame retardant suit, and awaits
the volley of fireballs that will surely come his way*
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