T/Thomas Boone Pickens, 91, oil tycoon/socialite/philanthropist
(too old to reply)
That Derek
2019-09-11 20:49:53 UTC
Alfalfa Bill
2019-09-11 22:34:20 UTC
Post by That Derek
I will remember him for one thing. During the height of Oklahoma's earthquake swarm (caused by improper disposal of wastewater from fracked oil wells) oil man Pickens denied that Oklahoma had any earthquakes at all. He just denied reality. And the actions by the oil barons were damaging homes and buildings.

True, the quakes topped out in the upper 5 range because they occurred on short faults, but the fault underlying Oklahoma City is a long fault capable of hosting a 7. And Pickens denied reality because the reality of the situation hurt his business.

I don't care that he built a new stadium for his college football team.