While you're processing the latest developments in the several
investigations--USSS internal, FBI, House Congressional and perhaps
others as well--mentioned or alluded to in the link below, here's one
particular question I've yet to hear asked during the eight days since
Saturday, July 13, 2024 in western rural Pennsylvania.
Sure hope one of y'all herein might have read coverage somewhere that
I've missed and which addresses it. (But again, I haven't heard it even
ASKED much less answered--either reliably OR stone-wallingly--perhaps
because its correct answer won't matter a whit at this point (a
situation attorney-type folk term "moot".)
Does anyone know whether that particular ear-grazing bullet--one of
either eight or nine total [various coverage has reported both totals]
that the late thwarted assassin Crooks fired off before he himself was
fired-off dead--was ALSO one of those slugs which hit and wounded either
of the two surviving victims or, alternatively, helped kill the dead
Too bad that third and mortal victim at 6:11 pm ET on that searing
Saturday wasn't wearing--as a colorful campaign-rally prop--his
fireman's helmet which Trump so famously kissed onstage in Milwaukee,
eh? Not even sure the late husband and father sustained a head wound,
but I imagine that helmet would have not made things WORSE for him.
Again, it hardly matters at this point, but it still is an interesting
question to me.
Geeze, better than six decades later, it STILL hasn't been indisputably
established that The Magic Bullet was the second of Oswald's three
shots! (Not many of the huge-bookshelf's worth of JFK investigation
tomes dispute TMB was shot #2of3, but a couple do indeed suggest the
conventional wisdom on this point is wrong and that TMB was actually
shot #1of3.)
NOBODY, meanwhile, disputes that EITHER shot #1 OR shot #2 back in 1963
was a miss which hit the street curb on its southern side. (Well, I
suppose those few cranks who still contend that Oswald was just going
about his innocent book-carton-fetching duties at the Book Depository
that day and was 100% framed might not be of either mindset, but we can
agree those folks are beyond persuasion, right?)
Again: I thank in advance anyone who knows of reporting that suggests
Trump's grazing slug hit any of the other three less-lucky men that day.
* As you probably know, late Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector--in his
1964 role as counsel to The Warren Commission--was the man who came up
with the so-called Magic Bullet Theory. And to this day, there are at
least a couple JFK assassination books which theorize that The Magic
Bullet was NOT Oswald's SECOND shot (after he missed with his first),
but rather actually his FIRST and that his second shot--fired whilst
Jack & Jackie and John & Nellie Connelly were behind that big Stemmons
Freeway sign--a bunch of frames before the skull-shattering Zapruder
frame #313).
And y'all historical tourists, now hear THIS: did you know that
you can get your nose within about 7 inches or so of The Magic Bullet?
I kid you not, to steal from the late Jack Paar. And it's NOT a
replica, mind you, but the very slug which ballistic tests matched to
Oswald's mail-order Italian rifle.
It is preserved and available for public scrutiny under
inch-or-more thick glass (or plexiglass) at The National Archives right
there on the north side of The Mall in the District of Columbia. True,
it's usually kept a yard or more beneath that protective
glass/plexiglass. But you can ask to have the platform raised with this
hydraulic system that raises the platform that TMB is fastened to within
about five inches of your side of the glass. (5 inches + 2 inches-or-so
of transparent pane = 7-or-so inches that your nose can get within The
Magic Bullet. As EVERYONE knows, that particular "pristine" slug has
been hands-down the most widely-questioned piece of evidence in the
hundreds of Dallas November '63 books out there.
And yeah, to get within that 7-inch range, you pretty much gotta
put your nose on the pane. (But be sure to ALSO do what I did in
1988--gently wipe the glass/plexiglass with a clean tissue once you've
adequately stared at it, keeping it clean.) I spent a good four minutes
scrutinizing it, and none of the Archives personnel rushed me. Why?
Because of the three dozen or so folks visiting and crowding the fairly
small chamber that day, EVERYONE but me were only lined up to see the
adjacent Constitution and Declaration of Independence! I'm sure I
probably would have alloted 39 seconds at most had ANYONE been waiting
behind me.
So my principal point here is to NOT bypass this remarkable aspect
of the National Archives. I asked one of the uniformed guys if this was
typical--sizable lines for the two documents, but zero others besides me
wanting to see TMB, and he replied, "Yeah, pretty much everyone just
wants to see the parchments." So many families of tourists never bother
to check out this third sector of the large display on the left.
WHY? Because they're so dazzled by the original copies of The
Constitution (under the center pane) and The Declaration of Independence
(under the right-most pane), each filled with ALL those strange 18th
Century words (not to mention each hallowed document's positively
goofball capitalization conventions of The Age of Enlightment Age. So
they look at either doc--must get in the other line to inspect both--for
a minute or so at most and then make way for those behind them in line.
Then they exit The Archives and move on to The Washington Monument or
The Capitol or The Jefferson Memorial--or more likely, just reflexively
make a beeline to that giant chevron of a Wall which constitutes The
Vietnam War Memorial...all without ever realizing The Magic Bullet was
ALSO there to the left, right there under their noses--and for my OWN
hideous honker, LITERALLY so.