deathwatch: 5 year old Chicago Girl In Coma Following Visit To Dentist
(too old to reply)
2006-09-27 08:57:20 UTC
Chicago Girl In Coma Following Visit To Dentist

Dentist Defends His Practice, Calls Family To Check On Girl

September 26, 2006

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CHICAGO -- The parents of a Chicacgo kindergartener who fell into a
coma after a routine visit to the dentist on Saturday say that pulling
the plug on their daughter, Diamond, is not an option.

Diamond Brown Ridge, 5, was on life support at Children's Memorial
Hospital. She allegedly suffered a heart attack after receiving
intravenous sedation.

A Chicago television reporter said Monday night that the girl's family
has been told that their daughter is brain dead and her vital organs
are severely damaged. Doctors told the family that they must decide
when to take Brown Ridge off of life support. Approximately 20 family
members were scheduled to spend the night in Brown Ridge's hospital

"I just want to know, what did they give my baby to make her just lose
her life?" Omettress Travis, the girl's mother, asked Monday.

Family described the 5-year-old as a charter school student who is
full of life, receiving As and a few Bs, and as a little girl who
loves church.

"I told her 'Time to come home. Wake up. Daddy needs you at home,'"
said her father, Paris Ridge.

"She's gotta come home," he said. "Her daddy loves her (and) misses
her. She's my world and she's gotta go to church."

As the family waited at Children's for any sign of improvement, they
encountered more and more unanswered questions.

The child's mother, who is a medical assistant at Northwestern
Memorial Hospital, told Vatis that she doesn't understand why she
immediately noticed that her daughter was in distress and the dentist
in charge of the procedure did not.

Diamond went to Little Angel Dental, a storefront office on West 26th
Street, to have two cavities filled and her front, bottom teeth

According to Travis, the dentist gave her a yellow liquid to drink,
then nitric oxide, or laughing gas. On top of that, Travis said, the
dentists gave the 35-pound girl an IV sedation.

Travis said she was asked to leave the room while the dental work was
done. When she returned, her daughter had no pulse and wasn't

"They did not monitor my daughter when she was having the work done,"
said the mother. "They also asked me to leave out of the room ... I
didn't know why because I was going to sit there, but they said, 'You
have to get out of the room.' ... At least if they weren't going to
monitor her, I could have watched her."

Another Chicago television reporter said Monday that the office had no
heart monitor of blood pressure cuff, instruments that are required by
Illinois law when sedation is involved.

Last April, Diamond was sedated without incident at Children's
Memorial when she had a broken arm. The family doesn't know what went
wrong on Saturday and they want the health department to shut down
Little Angel Dental.

"He doesn't need a license," the girl's aunt, Danetta Dupree, said.

Dentist Defends His Practice

A Chicago television station learned from the Department of
Professional Regulation that the dentist is licensed, with a special
certification for sedation. The Department indicated that it appeared
the doctor has the correct certification for the work that was
performed on Diamond.

The dentist involved, Hicham Riba, spoke with WMAQ-TV's Carla Eboh
late in the day Monday at his home in Addison. Riba would not go on
camera, but said his thoughts and prayers were with Diamond and her
family. Riba gave the station a written statement defending his

"I have treated thousands of children since 1997 and many of my
patients require intravenous sedation," Riba wrote. "I am board
certified in pediatric dentistry, licensed for intravenous sedation
and have always been in good standing with all licensing bodies."

Riba said that all sedated patients are monitored throughout their
procedures, but he could not talk about any specific case because of
privacy laws.

The director of pediatric dentistry at the University of
Illinois-Chicago, Dr. Indru Punwani, said it was rare to use three
sedations on a young child, but if a child undergoes deep sedation,
there must be a finger monitor to measure oxygen, pulse rate, and
blood pressure.

"We monitor these very, very carefully," Punwani said. "The monitoring
devices are such that even if the oxygen saturation goes a few points,
we are monitoring it, and we have a stethoscope on the chest, so we
are listening the chest."

This is the first complaint registered against Riba, according to the
state's regulatory agency.

Little Angel Dental did not open for business Monday. Patient after
patient showed up, only to find the doors closed and security gates

Nathaniel Williams took his 3-year-old son to the office for a Monday
appointment, and said he only learned the office was closed when he
showed up.

"No one called," he said.

Williams said he was supposed to have his son, Nate, sedated for
dental work.

"Now I'm having doubts. I've got to go and talk with my wife about the
whole thing here," he said.

Williams said his 5-year-old daughter, Natalie, was put under sedation
at Little Angel last month, and everything went well. But like other
parents who learned of what happened to Diamond, Williams said that he
was worried for his child's safety.

Diamond remained in critical condition on the second-floor intensive
care unit on Monday afternoon.

"I believe that's a miracle baby. I'm hoping that God sees fit to
bring her back to us, and she's going to be well," said the father.

The dental office was open Sunday until 3 p.m., but no one returned a
reporter's phone call.

WMAQ-TV has not been told if there was a dental anesthesiologist or if
there was an anesthesiologist nurse in the room.

The Chicago Health Department learned of the incident Sunday and is
Wanna buy some mandies, Bob?
2006-09-27 12:56:07 UTC
My parents (one in the health profession) had a novocaine-only policy when
we were growing up, for just that reason. They always said intravenous
sedation, or any other sedation, belongs in a hospital.
2006-09-29 11:55:56 UTC
Anesthesia Caused Girl's Coma, Death

By DON BABWIN, The Associated Press
Sep 28, 2006

CHICAGO - Lack of oxygen to the brain caused by anesthesia caused the
death of a 5-year-old girl who never awoke from sedation during a
visit to the dentist, the Cook County medical examiner's office said

Diamond Brownridge died Wednesday at Children's Memorial Hospital. She
had been on life support for four days after her visit to Little Angel
Dental, a storefront clinic, to have some teeth filled and others

The dentist, Dr. Hicham K. Riba, moved his family out of his home
after receiving death threats, said a spokesman for a Chicago law firm
the doctor has retained.

"There have been threatening calls made to his office, one of which
was a bomb threat, and a caller threatened to come in and shoot up the
office," Joshua Robbins said.

Robbins described Riba as "devastated for the family" of the girl.

Diamond's mother said that she was asked to leave the room during the
half-hour procedure, and that when she returned, her daughter was
unconscious in a dentist's chair.

Ommettress Travis said Thursday that she did not believe Riba or his
assistant recognized that her daughter had stopped breathing and that
Riba had told her children are "just like this after the sedation."

Travis, whose family retained an attorney while her daughter was on
life support, expressed sympathy for Riba.

"I'm not angry at this dentist," she said. "I'm praying for his
family. I think we're probably going through the same thing right

Pamela S. Menaker, a spokeswoman for the firm retained by Diamond
Brownridge's family, said Thursday that a lawsuit had not been filed.
The office obtained a court order this week to preserve dental

Questions still remain about the death, many centering on statements
from family members that the girl received a triple dose of sedatives
- an oral agent, an intravenous drug and nitrous oxide gas.

Indru Punwani, the head of the pediatric dentistry department at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, said that dentists often sedate
children for dental work but that a combination of the three
medications would be unusual for children.

Neither the American Dental Association nor the American Academy of
Pediatric Dentistry was aware of any statistics on the number of
children who die or suffer serious injury as a result of sedation.
Wanna buy some mandies, Bob?
2006-10-01 05:55:35 UTC
Dentist Suspended After Patient's Death

Sep 30

State regulators have suspended the license of a dentist whose 5-year-
old patient fell into a coma in his office and later died.

Dr. Hicham Riba's practices posed an "imminent danger to the public,"
the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation said
Friday. It said Riba failed to properly monitor Diamond Brownridge's
blood pressure, pulse and respiration during her treatment Sept. 23 at
his storefront clinic.

The complaint said Riba recorded that Diamond was "alert and
responsive" on discharge, although her mother claims to have found her
comatose in the dental chair.

Diamond died Wednesday at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. She
had been on life support for four days after her visit to Little Angel
Dental to have some teeth filled and others capped.

Riba's attorneys confirmed the suspension late Friday pending an Oct.
13 hearing.

"Diamond's loss is tragic," Riba said in a statement. "As we have
stated before, we have fully cooperated with the investigation and
will continue to do so."

Riba, 40, faces up to $10,000 in fines for each of four violations,
which include making false or fraudulent representations, professional
incompetence and gross malpractice.

State regulators said Diamond received two injections of diazepam or
Valium within five minutes, followed by oral Valium, lidocaine,
several other medications, and nitrous oxide. The regulators did not
say whether the combination or the dosages were appropriate for the
35-pound girl.
Wanna buy some mandies, Bob?
Village Idiot Cmelak
2006-10-01 09:55:14 UTC

The new Billy Cmelak "Tribute" Photo Site is up at

William Cmelak
N9340 Pickerel Creek Rd
Pearson, WI 54462-8140
(715) 484-3029

William A. "Bill" Cmelak is the infamous troll who posts as
***@Spamcop.net. Cmelak, or "Little Willie" as his ex-wife Lori
used to call him when discussing his sexual abilities, is an
unattractive, overweight 54-year old man (think in terms of Haystacks
Calhoun with bad teeth) living in the small town of Antigo, Wisconsin.
Harboring a desire to flee to warmer climates, poor finances have
constrained Cmelak to a life in various rural parts of Wisconsin. A
wannabe outdoorsman and "frugal living" enthusiast, Cmelak's
cheap lifestyle has been encouraged by a series of debts and resulting
lawsuits that he incurred in recent years (go to
http://wcca.wicourts.gov/ and search for "William Cmelak" for a
portion of his legal problems). Were it not for a piece of property
that Cmelak inherited from an elderly relative in Antigo he would
undoubtedly be homeless today.

Variously listing his occupation as "foole" and as "self-made
nobody" Cmelak suffers from extremely low self esteem. His current
occupation is unknown but is believed to be clerk at a convenience
store. Cmelak has a strong jealously of those that he feels are more
successful than himself and his standard trolls include distortion of
the facts (he will make up financial records of his victims while not
mentioning that he is a debtor, for instance). Falsification of
newsgroup posts and email correspondence, are known tactics of Cmelak.

Cmelak has been known to work in conjunction with other trolls,
including the equally infamous Karen Anderson troll (Karen Anderson
becomes infatuated with men that she has never met. To date, she has
stalked between 5 and 7 men that she has meet, often under platonic
circumstances, online). Cmelak has also been know to work in
conjunction with anti-Mexican racists, an unsavory group that he feels
that he can draw support from.

Cmelak is a voracious reader, particularly of fiction, as would be
typical of a loner living a frugal lifestyle in a cold climate. Cmelak

is described by neighbors as being a loner, "weird," and generally
antisocial. There is no evidence that he dates or has shown any
interest in women since his wife left him circa 1995. Small children
and barnyard animals may be at risk if left alone with Cmelak.

Cmelak is a model airplane enthusiast and actively involved in the
geocaching community, where he can often be found hiding "treasure
troves" for GPS equipped enthusiasts. Think in terms of hide and
seek for near-adults.

William Cmelak
N9340 Pickerel Creek Rd
Pearson, WI 54462-8140

Keywords: Stalker, crackhead, rapist, redneck, trailer trash, high
school dropout, mental illness, dementia, welfare queen, bum, balding,
obese, retard, Hoodoo, Shrike, troll, loner, loser

John Travoltron
2006-09-30 06:48:14 UTC
Post by Shrike!
"I just want to know, what did they give my baby to make her just lose
her life?" _Omettress_ Travis, the girl's mother, asked Monday.
Wow, what an awful name. Was she named after her place of conception?

Shame about the girl; I'll be sure and reject all sedatives at the next
dentist visit from now on.